• A "creator" in the context of this program is anyone—whether an individual or an organization—who is dedicated to using their platform for social change. Whether you produce content as an influencer, run a blog, manage a social media page, or represent a grassroots organization, you are a creator. Your audience size does not diminish your impact. For those with smaller audiences, we invite you to co-post with @amplifysocialgood, where you can contribute to our collective mission. If you have an Instagram following of 10K or more, you can also co-post directly with OCP, provided you commit to creating original content at least twice a month.

  • Not at all. We understand that every creator has their own unique voice and approach. While OCP is unapologetically political in our stance, we don’t expect you to mirror that intensity or style. What’s important is that your content aligns with our core values of justice, equity, and truth-telling.

    You can participate in a way that feels authentic to you. We’re here to support and amplify your voice, not to change it. Whether you choose to engage with political content directly or focus on other aspects of social justice, your contribution is valuable, and we respect your individual approach.

  • By joining the OCP Community Creator Correspondent Program, you gain access to a network of like-minded creators who are committed to making a difference. This program offers you the opportunity to expand your reach, collaborate on impactful projects, and be part of a collective movement for justice and equity. It’s a chance to elevate your work and connect with an engaged community that values the power of your voice.

    We'll have a highlight dedicated to our OCP correspondents, as well as a section in our newsletter that can highlight upcoming stuff that you are doing and need eyes on!

  • As a participant in the Community Creator Correspondent Program, we ask for the following:

    • Alignment with OCP’s Values: We invite creators who share our commitment to justice, equity, and truth-telling. While we don’t expect you to mimic OCP’s voice, we do ask that your content aligns with these core values.

    • Co-Posting: We hope you can co-post 1-2 pieces of original content per month with On Canada Project. Additionally, you are welcome to co-post as many pieces as you like with our sister brand, @amplifysocialgood.

    • Add OCP to Your Bio: Show off your involvement by adding OCP to your link in bio or your social media bio, highlighting your role in the correspondent program.

    • Engagement: We ask that you attend a quarterly Creator Collective virtual meeting to connect with other creators, share ideas, and collaborate on upcoming projects.

  • At OCP, we are committed to challenging the status quo and driving social change. The Community Creator Correspondent Program allows us to expand our reach, diversify our content, and amplify the voices of those who are equally passionate about justice and equity. By partnering with creators like you, we tap into new audiences, gain fresh perspectives, and strengthen our impact.

    Since we launched in 2020, we have been huge advocates of the concept of community over competition and have consistently practiced this in various ways.

    This is our attempt to legitimize an informal process and build a community of co-conspirators for social good.

    In addition, as we look ahead at the upcoming federal election and see increased censorship around issues already, we see the need to prepare a solidarity rolodex. This program helps us keep our grid going while allowing our founder to build and launch our upcoming initiative, social good collective

  • We’re open to figuring out a system that works best for both of us. We want to ensure that both OCP and your brand are represented in a way that feels right.

  • We understand that your time is valuable, and this program is designed to be flexible. Whether you want to contribute regularly or occasionally, we’re here to support you in a way that fits your schedule. There’s no pressure—just opportunities to connect and create when it works for you.

    There will be one on-boarding call, and then quarterly creator collective calls.

  • We expect that our correspondents are in alignment with the following, while understanding their approach to it might be different.

    1. Our Standards for Content

    2. Our Stance On Human Rights

    Full Values

  • Not at all! At OCP, we value diverse perspectives and understand that there are multiple ways to approach the same issue. One of the biggest challenges we’ve observed within progressive spaces is the tendency towards perfectionism, which is a characteristic rooted in white supremacy culture. We strive to move beyond that.

    As long as we are committed to fundamental human rights and a pro-humanity stance, our community has room for varied opinions and approaches. We welcome contributors who align with our core values and are passionate about social justice, even if they have different perspectives on how to achieve it. If you review our values pages, you'll hopefully get a better idea of expectations.



