What is the Creator Correspondents Program? 

About the Creator Correspondent Program

Shaping the Future of Media, Together

In today’s rapidly changing media landscape, traditional outlets often fall short in representing the full truth, especially when it comes to justice, equity, and marginalized voices. As a content creator, you stand at the forefront of this transformation. You are not just a storyteller; you are a leader, an advocate, and a disruptor. The Community Creator Correspondent Program is your opportunity to harness your influence for the greater good, joining a collective that is redefining media from the ground up.

Why Now?

The systems around us are showing their true colours—power backing power, money backing money, and voices that speak truth to power being silenced. We are increasingly witnessing forms of censorship—both overt and covert, online and in real life. It can feel overwhelming, even hopeless at times, but the truth is, the people united are never powerless – and that is what we are hoping to start modeling with you.

As creators, we have platforms that reach thousands, sometimes millions, of people. We have the ability to influence, educate, and mobilize. But to do this effectively, we can’t act in silos, as it perpetuates the oppressive norms of competition and individualism.

We must come together as a community, as a collective, to resist censorship, dis– and mis-information, and the forces that seek to maintain the status quo. The challenges we face today—rampant misinformation, systemic oppression, and increasing censorship—demand a collective response.

"For the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change."

— Audre Lorde

Our Audiences

At the heart of everything we do are the communities we serve. Our audiences are seeking truthful, impactful content that speaks to their values and experiences. They are tired of the traditional media narrative that often overlooks their voices. Through this program, we ensure that our audiences receive content that is not only engaging but also rooted in justice, equity, and truth. By collaborating, we can reach more people, foster deeper connections, and inspire action across diverse communities.

Championing Change Requires an ‘It Takes A Village’ Approach

You, the Content Creator

As a creator, your brand is your voice, your vision, and your connection to your audience. This program is designed to enhance, not dilute, that connection. You retain full creative control over your content, while benefiting from OCP’s support and platform to amplify your message. Our partnership is about mutual respect and shared values—we provide the tools and community, you bring your unique perspective and creativity. Together, we build something greater than the sum of our parts.

On Canada Project

OCP exists to challenge the status quo and drive social change. By partnering with creators through this program, we expand our reach, diversify our perspectives, and strengthen our impact. This collaboration allows us to stay at the forefront of media innovation, ensuring that our content remains dynamic, relevant, and reflective of the broad range of experiences within our community. Together, we amplify the messages that matter most, ensuring that OCP continues to be a powerful force for change.

Why Join the Community Creator Correspondent Program?

What You Gain

This program is not just about what you can do as an individual but about what we can achieve collectively. As a correspondent, you will:

  • Expand Your Reach: Leverage OCP’s platform to extend the impact of your content. Whether through co-posting or strategic collaborations, your message will reach broader and more engaged audiences.

  • Access to a Supportive Network: Engage with a community of like-minded creators who share your commitment to justice and equity. You’ll have access to group discussions, quarterly calls, and a closed social good membership platform designed for deeper collaboration and learning.

  • Stand Against Censorship: With platforms under increasing pressure to control content, navigating these challenges alone can be daunting. Through this program, you’ll have the backing of a collective force, helping you maintain your voice and integrity while resisting censorship.

Our Commitment to You; A Partnership of Equals: At OCP, we believe in co-creating with our community. You retain full creative control over your content—our role is to amplify your message, not to alter it. We respect the individuality of your brand and your voice, and we offer guidance only to ensure alignment with shared values and collective goals.

"Systems and structures dominate. But as human beings, we have choices.

As individuals, those choices are limited. But collectively our choices add up to a force."

— Fahd Ahmed

Why This Program Matters

A Collective Response to Censorship and Misinformation

We live in a time when speaking truth to power has never been more critical—or more challenging. Censorship and misinformation threaten to distort public discourse and silence the voices that matter most. The Community Creator Correspondent Program is OCP’s strategic response to these challenges. By joining us, you become part of a community that is committed to resisting these forces and amplifying the messages that drive real change.

The Power of Collective Action

As creators, you have a unique ability to influence public discourse and drive social change. But to do this effectively, we must work together, leveraging each other’s strengths and platforms to amplify our shared message of justice and equity.

By joining the Community Creator Correspondent Program, you are stepping into a movement that is bigger than any one of us. Together, we can shape the future of media, ensuring that the stories that need to be told are heard loud and clear.

“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.

— bell hooks
