Our Writing Standards & Ethics

We’re not journalists or the news, but we still have standards. At On Canada Project Media, we believe that these principles are crucial for ethical and responsible journalism and writing. We are committed to advancing equity, justice, and respect for all individuals and communities through our work.

  1. We’ve Unsubscribed From Neutrality: You cannot be neutral in situations of injustice, so we’re not.

  2. We’ve redefined “Canadian Issues” to mean that if you live in Canada and care about something, it should be a Canadian issue. This means that the events in Sudan, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Tibet, etc., are all Canadian issues.

  3. Commitment to Antiracism: We actively unlearn biases, privileges, and discriminatory behaviours. We recognize that antiracism is a lifelong journey, and we are dedicated to challenging and dismantling white supremacy culture in our work.

  4. Diversity in Sources and Voices: We prioritize including diverse voices and perspectives in our writing and reporting. We cite sources from a broad range of ethnic, cultural, and social backgrounds, thereby avoiding the perpetuation of stereotypes and providing a richer understanding of our subject matter.

  5. We’ve Unlearned Perfectionism: We do the best we can until we know better; when we know better, we do better (Maya Angelou).

  6. Transparency in Practice: In our writing, we are transparent about our intentions, sources, and perspectives. If we have personal connections to a story, we disclose them. If we make an error, we correct it openly and promptly.

  7. Contextualization of Stories: We do not present events or statements in isolation. We understand and present the historical and socio-political contexts in which they occur, helping our readers grasp the broader implications and root causes of the issues we cover.

  8. Avoidance of Harmful Narratives: We are critical of the narratives we create or reinforce. We avoid language or framing that perpetuates stereotypes, stigmatizes communities, or reinforces harmful beliefs.

  9. Practice of Cultural Sensitivity: We respect different cultures, traditions, and beliefs. We understand the cultural context of our subject matter and avoid language that is dismissive, patronizing, or appropriative.

  10. Self-Reflection and Accountability: We continuously reflect on our privileges, biases, and the impact of our work. We seek feedback from peers and impacted communities and are committed to learning and growing.

  11. Respect and Compassion: When writing about sensitive topics or interviewing individuals who have experienced trauma, we approach the situation with compassion and respect. We refrain from sensationalizing their experiences or using their stories for shock value.

  12. Diligence in Verification: We verify information from multiple sources and cross-check facts, regardless of our personal beliefs or biases. Our commitment to accuracy is unwavering. We are evidence-informed.

  13. Amplification of Marginalized Voices: We use our platform to amplify the voices of those who are marginalized or underrepresented. Rather than speaking for others, we create opportunities for them to share their own experiences and perspectives.


Ethical Use Of Our Content