See Something You Like On Our Website?

Just because we’re your informed bestie doesn’t mean that you should copy and paste our homework (read: labour). We invite you to resist the 21st-century urge to hit [Control+C], because it’s super counterintuitive to the work OCP does. Instead, explore these respectful ways to engage with our content.

Break Our Societies Cycle of Exploiting Marginalized Communities' Work and

Practice Your Allyship

with Consent, Credit & Compensation

You’ve just stumbled upon something we’ve created that resonates deeply with you – we’re taking that as a sign we’re aligned in our values, so before you hit 'copy-paste,' consider this: our work is a product of countless hours of labour, driven by lived experiences and a deep commitment to justice. We are one-of-a-kind organization in Canada but woefully overlooked for being “just an Instagram account” – so what you see on our site, socials and products is more than just content—it’s a reflection of our collective dreams for a more inclusive and fair world, and it takes a lot out of us to create it.

Three Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Copy and Paste from On Canada Project

  1. We Are Paywall Free (and that isn’t an easy choice).
    We choose to keep our content accessible to everyone because we believe that human rights-centered media should be available to all, not just those who can afford it. By respecting our work, you help us continue to provide this vital resource to as many people as possible.

  2. We Are Woman-of-Colour Founded
    Our content is the result of hard work by a diverse team, led by a woman of color. Appropriating our work without acknowledgment contributes to a long history of undermining the contributions of marginalized communities. Let’s change that narrative together by giving credit where it’s due.

  3. Being in Community With Us Means Treating Each Other With Respect
    OCP Media is more than just a platform—it’s a community. And in our community, respect is non-negotiable. Instead of copying and pasting, consider collaborating and/or supporting us. Let’s work together to amplify these shared values, and ensure that the voices of those who are often silenced are heard loud and clear.

Practice Your Allyship: (Bare Minimum Expectations for Those Who Use or Appreciate Our Content)

  • The Non-Negotiable—Do Not Profit: You may not personally or professionally profit from content shared on our social media, website, or other On Canada Project and Group Project Initiatives. If you’re considering using our content in a profit-driven context, please contact us first.

  • Ask for Permission: For professional or community use, always reach out to us first.

  • Credit Our Work: If our content inspires you, please acknowledge OCP Media as the source.

    "Content originally created by On Canada Project. Visit to support or hire them”

  • Support Us: Consider making a donation to help us keep our content accessible to everyone. Give what you can, and reflect on your privilege and how much you value our work when contributing.


Be A Co-Conspirator (Level Up Your Allyship)

  • Book Our Founder: Invite our founder to speak at your events, panels, or workshops.

  • Hire Us: Hire our consulting arm to integrate our values into your organization.

  • Host a Community Fundraising Call: Help amplify OCP’s impact by hosting a fundraising call. Gather your network, invite them to support our work, and consider having our founder speak to share our mission, impact, and why their support is crucial.







Consent 〰️ Credit 〰️ Compensation 〰️


Our Media's Standards and Ethics


Our Commitment to Human Rights