OCP’s Stance on Human Rights

At OCP, we stand unapologetically for human rights, equity, and justice. We take an anti-oppression, anti-colonial/white supremacy, and intersectional lens to our work and are always evidence-informed.

We solve issues by addressing the needs of the most marginalized communities because we know that when you solve for the most marginalized and systemically neglected communities, you lift everyone up. We also understand that privilege is relative and that the most marginalized community in Canada has privileges that the most marginalized community globally do not.

We believe that G7 nations, particularly those built on stolen land (settler colonial nations – Canada, Israel, the U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc. –that committed/commit acts of genocide against Indigenous populations ), with stolen resources (colonization allowed for exploiting racialized lands across Asia, Africa, and the Americas), and through stolen lives (participation in the transatlantic slave trade), have a disproportionate responsibility to do better, both globally and domestically, and are systemically failing to do so.

Oppression is not a single issue—it’s a complex web of intersecting challenges. Our intersectional approach allows us to tackle these challenges in a way that acknowledges and addresses the unique and overlapping forms of discrimination people face. This ensures that no one is left behind in our pursuit of justice.

As such, our loyalty isn’t to existing systems, nations, or organizations, but rather to humanity itself. At the core of our approach is the creation of "invitations in"—opportunities for everyone to engage, learn, and contribute to the movement for justice. We empower individuals with the knowledge and tools to fight for their rights, fostering collective action that drives real, sustainable change.

OCP is part of the broader Group Project Initiatives (GPI), an ecosystem committed to a pragmatic, justice-centered, and intersectional pursuit of collective liberation. Our long-term goal, both within OCP and GPI, is to build a society where human rights are universally respected, and every community is empowered to thrive.

At OCP, we don’t just talk about human rights, anti-oppression, and intersectionality—we work to protect, advance, and realize them every day.

Quotes We Live By


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