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The Great Canadian Fallacy

The Great Canadian Fallacy

Because while abortion is decriminalized in Canada, there are no federal laws governing it. Just because something is decriminalized doesn't mean it's accessible, equitable, supported and protected — and we should be fucking infuriated about that.

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Internalized Racism & Me
Editorial, Dismantling White Supremacy, Founder, From The Editor Samanta Krishnapillai (she/her) Editorial, Dismantling White Supremacy, Founder, From The Editor Samanta Krishnapillai (she/her)

Internalized Racism & Me

Last week I had the privilege of speaking in front of 1300 Ontario Public Service employees at the Ontario Anti-Racism Directorates’ event to acknowledge International Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day. I made many speaker notes, some of which I didn’t get a chance to share. Here is some of what my notes had to say.

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