Don’t Call your Ex ✋🏾

Call your Elected Rep 👇🏾

Why Should I Connect With My Elected Officials?

Most elected officials got into this business because they want to represent their constituents, so let’s help them out by emailing, tweeting and connecting with them directly. Our taxes pay their salary and make no mistake; they are public servants, meaning they work for us. Not some of us, but each and every one of us. Let’s help them better represent their constituents by directly engaging with them with our feedback, questions, and comments.

Remember, your voice, concerns, and life matters.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do I have to have voted to contact my elected official? No.

  2. Do I have to support the party my elected official is in to contact them? No.

  3. Aren’t there different levels of government? How do I know if I contacted the right person?

    We’re working on developing an infographic. For now, consider sending one email to both your MP and MPP/MNA/MLA.

  4. Does this actually work? It should. We can’t promise they will respond, but they really should.

  5. I emailed my elected official but I want to do more! Same!

    • Send this link to someone else and ask them to email your elected official

    • Tweet at your elected official and comment on your elected official’s Instagram account!

      Unlike emails, these are public domains that might help put pressure on them to respond.

Use Our Email Templates

The Grown Up Version of Copying Someones Hwk Because Friends Help Friends Hold Their Elected Officials Accountable

Find Your Rep

How To Find My Federal Representative

Click here and put in your postal code.

Click here to learn about our Federal Cabinet.

How to Find My Provincial Representative

Ontario: Click Here Quebec: Click Here
British Columbia: Click Here Alberta: Click Here
Saskatchewan: Click Here Manitoba: Click Here
Nova Scotia: Click Here New Brunswick: Click Here
Yukon: Click Here Nunavut: Click Here
Prince Edward Island: Click Here
Newfoundland and Labrador: Click Here
Northwest Territories: Click Here

Find Your City Councillor

Google “[Insert the Name Of Your City/Town/Region] city council”

Here are some cities based on our top demographics. The links we’re sharing below help you determine what Ward you live in so you can discover who your Ward Councillor is