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Let's talk about the "Freedom" Convoy
This is Canada, Dismantling White Supremacy On Canada Project This is Canada, Dismantling White Supremacy On Canada Project

Let's talk about the "Freedom" Convoy

It's been about a year since Trudeau used the Emergency Act to finally disperse the three-week-long Ottawa Occupation that terrorized the people of Ottawa. And while today, the streets of Ottawa may be cleared, alt-right extremism, hate, and violence continue to spread covertly throughout Canada - and no one seems to be doing anything about it.

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On how POC* are complicit in white supremacy
Dismantling White Supremacy On Canada Project Dismantling White Supremacy On Canada Project

On how POC* are complicit in white supremacy

So POC, despite having experienced ancestral and ongoing trauma as a result of colonization in our ancestral lands, now benefit from these colonial structures in the West.

And because our education systems do an incredible job of ensuring that we don't see/understand the link of colonization to white people or colonization to the 'success' of Western nations, we begin to become conditioned to see whiteness as a key to success.

We view financial security, success, stability, as things that result from whiteness. We accept whiteness as the standard for what is "normal", "acceptable", "polite", and thus celebrated - so we try to mimic it.

And in doing so, we interalize these beliefs that run counter to our very existence, resulting in internalized racism.

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Here's why Jordan Peterson is the f*cking worst.

Here's why Jordan Peterson is the f*cking worst.

Jordan Peterson is a man who refuses to engage with compassion and empathy, which is exactly what happens when someone's response to their privileged position being challenged is to punch "down" at less privileged communities.

His content is deliberately and carefully constructed, covertly hiding his bigotry in his beliefs by grounding his claims in supposed psychological and scientific discourse (and leveraging his Ph.D.). But that's the thing; he's claiming science when at best, it's pseudoscience being catered towards a moral panic to spread his hate and division further.

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