YHIHS: Dec 5

You heard it here second
about the week of Dec 5)

Iran has begun executing political prisoners and fighters for liberation.

Majidreza Rahnavard and Mohsen Shekari have been executed for protesting the government's regime. Even though criticism of the Iranian gov and support for protesters is coming from around the world, more executions are looming in the future.

Indigenous land defenders call Trudeau a colonizer as they fight for the planet at COP15 in Montreal

During opening remarks from Trudeau, several Indigenous activists gathered, playing drums and labelling Trudeau a colonizer (which is absolutely fair considering our government represents historic and ongoing colonization on this land - and Canada continues to fail to meet its climate goals).

Remember Climate Justice and Indigenous Justice are intrinsically linked. Wanna be better than a colonizer? See our bite-sized advocacy of the week.

Assembly of First Nations calls for Alberta and Saskatchewan sovereignty acts to be withdrawn

The Alberta Sovereignty and Saskatchewan First Acts would give both provinces more authority over their laws and resources. First Nations leaders are criticizing both bills, saying they disrespect treaty rights and were not done with Indigenous consultation.

Indonesia passes laws banning sex outside of marriage and unmarried couples living together, among other things

The new laws will also make promoting contraception illegal, as well as criticizing the government and protesting. These extremely regressive laws aren't just about sex—they're about statewide control.

Brittney Griner has been released from Russian imprisonment!

10 months after being arrested for minor drug charges and being held in a prison camp, Griner has been released in a prisoner swap, being exchanged for Viktor Bout, an arms dealer in U.S prison since 2011.

Canadian physicians are speaking up against MAiD as it is set to expand to cover many with mental illnesses

Doctors are warning that this broadening of scope is coming too fast. People who need housing, employment and healthcare are getting MAiD bc they can't access what they need- governments need to step the fuck up and provide basic services and a comprehensive social safety net.

To be clear, we think MAiD is an important part of our social safety net but it cannot be the entirety of our social safety net.

Chinese citizens are protesting government censorship with blank white pages

Protesters across the country are speaking up without saying anything by holding up blank papers. The protests were sparked by China's strict zero-Covid policy- which is affecting the ability of firefighters and EMTs to do their jobs- but is also taking a stand for freedom of speech and democratic reform.

15 out of 25 Toronto city councillors oppose Doug Ford's strong mayor legislation

The extremely controversial legislation that would give Ontario mayors massive power now has even MORE critics. Dougie, NO ONE wants this terrible and undemocratic law, so maybe rethink it, m'kay??


A Cheatsheet to Difficult Holiday Convos


Toxic Masculinity (n.) - OCP Dictionary