BSA: Bill C-22 could make a huge difference for disabled people in Canada

Earlier this week, On Canada Project, shared a post that posed the question: why is it easier to die with dignity than live with dignity?

Ableism is pervasive throughout society—think about the lack of accessibility in buildings and workplaces—across all our institutions. [...] We see just how ableist and classist our society is when MAiD is the most comprehensive and accessible part of our social safety net. Wealthy disabled people (often people with family wealth) aren't choosing MAiD, because they have the resources to adapt to our ableist world [...]Dying with dignity can quickly feel like your only option when you have no access to living with dignity.

This excerpt from our post points out the inequity in our lacking provincial disability supports - so here is how you can take action and be a change agent.

After multiple attempts, Bill C-22 is finally gaining some traction in parliament. This legislation would create a Federal Disability Benefit that would (hopefully) help supplement the inadequate provincial programs such as ODSP.

Additional financial support for disabled folk is desperately needed, especially with the rising cost of living across the country. So while this is a step in the right direction, the lack of specifics about timeline, eligibility and actual funding amounts—and concerns about whether the creation of the Benefit will centre lived experience of disabled people—show us that much more needs to be done, and urgently.

Because Bill C-22 has not been finalized, this is the perfect opportunity to champion change and take action! We can advocate to ensure this benefit is inclusive for and beneficial to disabled folk in Canada.

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities (HUMA) committee is now accepting input from the public about this bill. We encourage you to reach out to members of the committee and/or make a submission to the committee to help shape and advocate for this bill to be passed.

Email your Member of Parliament:

Email the committee:

The Ask:

  • Given that disability poverty, particularly amongst working aged disabled people, is a national crisis, How will you ensure Bill C22 moves speedily through all legislative steps to Royal Assent?

  • How will you ensure that the lived experience of disabled people is centered for the co-creation of regulations?

  • How will you ensure that disabled people are involved at the highest levels of collaborative engagement throughout the development and implementation of the Canada Disability Benefit?

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