Our Bold Print

cc/ future partners, clients and collaborators!

Hey there! We’re all about championing change and telling stories that matter here at Group Project Initiatives & On Canada Project. When we think about working with you, we get genuinely excited about the possibilities!

But let’s chat about what our partnership means:

  • Real Talk: Our content and online community? It's our baby. We're protective of it, and we’re protective of the trust we’ve built with over 150K+ people across Canada.

    • Content Outside Our Partnership: Our OCP original content (over 1000+ pieces shared) will always be under the editorial control of our media arm and Editor-In-Chief. Retaining editorial control is really important to us, and we appreciate your understanding of our commitment to our community and our values.

    • Content Partnership: If you are looking to get your message onto our platform, we’ll work with you to make sure the final message aligns with what you are comfortable with while still being true to our values.

    • Non-Content Related Partnership: We can always leverage our platform as needed into non-content related client projects, but whatever we share on our socials has to still feel authentic to our values and respectful to our community.

  • Keeping it Real, But Practical: We’re all about authenticity and pushing boundaries here at On Canada Project Inc. But we also get that everyone’s on their own journey, and what's normal for us might just be a tad spicy for others. And you know what? That's totally cool!

    • When we brainstorm a project with you, we'll always pitch two versions - one is what we think the dream scenario looks like, and the next is a scenario that matches your organization’s resources, political landscape and energy. Think of us as collaboration DJs, remixing a classic tune to meet your vibe!

      We're here to meet you wherever you're at. Yes, we’ll share our vision of the gold standard, but we’re also game to tailor it to where your organization stands right now. Because, let's be honest, chasing perfection? It's like hunting unicorns. What's real and what works for you is where the magic happens.

  • Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: When you hire On Canada Project Inc. you should know that the experts and collaborators we bring on to work on this with us are, over 90% of the time, from historically systemically marginalized and neglected communities. We are big believers in spending that money in a way that allows us to live our values.

Look, we're not trying to scare anyone away! Our partnerships to date have been incredible and have allowed us to keep creating solutions that work for you while still being true to our values. With more organizations like yours collaborating with us, we see a future where our passion and your support come together to do some truly amazing things for Canada. We've built this bond of trust with our community by keeping things real, and we hope you'll get why that’s so important to us.

So, let's think of teaming up as a jam session – your support and our passion can make beautiful change together. Ready to create some magic?


Core Beliefs & Values