Our Values

Unapologetically Pro-Human Rights For All

We’re not neutral, and we’re not here to play nice with injustice. Our stance is clear: human rights for all, no exceptions. We’re unapologetic about who we fight for and what we stand against. If that makes some people uncomfortable, good—it means we’re doing it right.

Boldly Navigating Nuance

We live in the gray areas and aren’t afraid to get messy. The world isn’t black and white, and neither is our content. We dive deep into the complexities, unpacking the layers that others might overlook or oversimplify because understanding the nuance is how we see people fully and drive real change

Centering the Margins

We start at the edges, where the need is greatest. By centring the most marginalized, we create solutions that lift everyone. Our approach isn’t just about equality—it’s about equity. We understand that true progress happens when the least visible are brought to the forefront, and that’s where we begin. This way, our solutions aren’t just inclusive—they’re sustainable, effective, and transformative for all.

Awareness to Activation

Information is just the beginning. We take awareness and turn it into action, pushing our audience to move beyond understanding to doing. Every post, every story, every piece of content is a rallying cry for change—because knowledge without action is just noise.

Fierce Accountability

We hold ourselves—and the world—accountable. Integrity isn’t just a value; it’s our backbone. We’re committed to truth, transparency, and challenging the systems that perpetuate injustice, no matter who’s uncomfortable with it.

We are Both Our Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams & Future Ancestors

We’re not just fighting for today; we’re building for tomorrow. Every action we take is guided by the understanding that what we do now shapes the world for generations. We honor those who came before us and those who will follow by committing to sustainable practices that ensure our impact endures. Our pursuit of justice is relentless because true change isn’t temporary—it’s built to last, creating a legacy future generations can be proud of.

Delicious Invitations You Can’t Refuse

We transform complex social and political issues into accessible, digestible, engaging content that empowers all Canadians to stay informed and take action. Our content is designed to be inclusive and accessible to a diverse audience, ensuring that no one is left behind in the conversation.

Truth with Teeth

We don’t just tell the truth; we bite down on it and don’t let go. Our content is sharp, direct, and fiercely grounded in an anti-oppression lens. We’re not neutral, and we’re not here to play nice with injustice. Our commitment to justice is unwavering because we recognize that neutrality in the face of injustice is a form of oppression. We choose to side with the oppressed, even when it’s uncomfortable. If the truth makes people uneasy, then we’re doing our job.

Joy and Rest as Resistance

We believe that joy and rest are revolutionary acts. In a world that demands constant struggle, we reclaim the right to joy and self-care as essential parts of our activism. We understand that to sustain our work for justice, we must also sustain ourselves and our community. By prioritizing rest and celebrating victories, big and small, we ensure that our fight for justice is not just a duty but a source of strength, resilience, and renewal. Our community thrives when we take care of one another, making joy and rest integral to our strategy for lasting change.


Our Community Agreements


To Prospective Collaborators