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The Queen is Dead, God Save the People
Look, we're clearly not royalists, but we do have empathy for the Queen's family, and even for her subjects who loved her. What sucks is that same empathy is rarely reciprocated to the global majority (BIPOC) whose families and ancestors experienced (and continue to experience) violence and harm because of the Queen and her family.
On how the world changed for Muslims after 9/11
I was barely one year old on September 11th, 2001 - sitting in front of the TV with my mother, awed by bright colours and loud noises. I don’t remember 9/11, and because I don’t wear a hijab and had never lived in North America until I moved for university, I didn’t feel myself turn into an enemy overnight in the same way that so many Muslims did immediately following the attacks. Instead, I grew up with the full knowledge and awareness that I was, for some reason that I couldn’t explain, an enemy to the West. I knew that border control officers trembled in fear at the sight of a nine year old Pakistani girl, and I knew not to speak Urdu in public. I knew to be careful, I just didn’t know why.
White Supremacy that is still considered socially acceptable by most white people.
covert white supremacy still goes largely ignored by white people.
On the radicalization of white teenage boys
Anyone can be radicalized online, but white teenage boys are increasingly being targeted, and are falling for this rhetoric, many times in very violent ways.
Capitalism and Colonialism (which is rooted in white supremacy) are two of the foundational components of our current society (~600 yrs).
A quote we recently came across by former US President (1961-1963) Lyndon B. Johnson says:
“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”
It's important to understand that white people - who are not ultra-rich - have been targeted to work against their own interests (for the ultra-rich) for centuries.
This isn't new: we've been systematically indoctrinating white people (and to a degree, "model minorities") since the advent of our colonial societies, but the internet has made it easier to target these populations and has allowed for more overt violence responses to occur.
Silence as a Comms Strategy is not just inadequate, it is harmful.
My assumption is that the board made this decision not because there was a legitimate reason. Was she too 'different' from what you had experienced before? Difference is strength. Difference is power. Difference is what we need - not just in the nonprofit sector or in London, but in today's world.