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On the Ousting of Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa
Editorial Samanta Krishnapillai (she/her) Editorial Samanta Krishnapillai (she/her)

On the Ousting of Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa

The President of Sri Lanka, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, as well as the PM, has been forced to resign after months of protests regarding his corrupt leadership that resulted in an economic crisis and country-wide shortages of essential goods and services that affected everyone in the country for months. But that isn’t the whole story of Gotabaya’s terror.

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A love letter to Ms. Marvel
Lifestyle, Dismantling White Supremacy On Canada Project Lifestyle, Dismantling White Supremacy On Canada Project

A love letter to Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel is a masterpiece. A unique piece of television that wasn't written for a white audience, and it shows. Immigrant/BIPOC families have long worked to figure out references made on shows like Friends, Seinfeld, Full House - and it is so rare for a show to show up so unapologetically while still being accessible to a diverse audience (remember South Asians, Muslims, Arabs, and immigrants are not a monolith)

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Let's talk about Indian Day "Schools"

Let's talk about Indian Day "Schools"

Day "schools" existed in addition to residential "schools". This is an additional form of violence against Indigenous children, families & communities by our government, because like residential "schools", day "schools" were used to "assimilate" Indigenous children, which continued the physical, cultural & spiritual genocide of Indigenous Peoples.

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