Up until 1983 marital violence was legal in Canada

Until 1983, sexually assaulting your wife or marital rape was not illegal in Canada.

This is reprehensible to us.

Women could vote, work, serve in parliament, access contraceptives and still legally be sexually assaulted by their husbands until 1983.

Just 39 years ago.

We've had access to personal computers longer than women have been legally protected from sexual assault perpetrated by their husbands.

Cell phones have existed longer than women have been legally protected from sexual assault perpetrated by their husbands.

CDs have existed longer than women have been legally protected from sexual assault perpetrated by their husbands.

Dr. Who has been around longer than women have been legally protected from sexual assault perpetrated by their husbands.

America put men on the moon before women were legally protected from sexual assault perpetrated by their husbands.

We know now that up until 1983, gender-based violence within marriage was legal.

The logic that legally allowed gender-based violence within marriages still exists in our society and our systems.

Why? Because gender-based violence (both within and outside of marriage) continues to be the most common form of violence in our society.

We know we have a long way to go to ensure survivors of GBV are believed, supported, and protected, especially when adding in the necessary intersectional lens and looking at communities that are further systemically neglected.

To address the ongoing crisis of gender-based violence, we need to see the following:

  • Ongoing campaigns that target men and help them understand gender equality and regulate emotions around the prevalence of male fragility

  • Trauma-informed legislative changes, trauma-informed legal support for survivors of sexual and GBV, and trauma-informed social supports, including shelters and mental health resources.

  • Meaningful action to communities most affected by GBV, including implementing the 231 Calls For Justice by the National Inquiry into MMIWG2S and addressing legislation which continues to fail sex workers.


Toxic Masculinity (n.) - OCP Dictionary


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