What in the fragile masculinity is going on with this?
Rihanna took center stage on the cover of British Vogue with her family, looking every bit the goddess she is.
And we're sorry to report people just don't get it - or they think that what they're describing is a problem...???
But Rihanna stans (and people with common sense) are shutting that shit down:

OCP Reflections on this chaotic cover discourse:
The fact that there has been this much backlash to the Rihanna cover reflects how deeply anti-women, and anti-Black so much of our society remains.
What work is being done to combat this deeply anti-women rhetoric running through our society?
Because the backlash around the Rihanna cover is a symptom of a problem women and gender-diverse folks are experiencing worldwide. Which of course exponentially increases when it is a BIPOC woman.
Worse, many of us do not have the privilege to be able to walk away from toxic work cultures, toxic social settings, toxic networking, toxic communities, toxic relationships, etc. (for every toxic you see here, read misogynistic).
on masculinity and 'emasculation':
OCP Reflections on this chaotic cover discourse:
Also, we need to talk about where feelings of "emasculation" comes from—and the impact toxic masculinity, bro culture, frat culture, locker room culture, etc., have on men's mental health.
Especially since most hurt men that don't have access or choose not to access the supports they need hurt women and other people.
And we can't forget that race brings this issue to another level because toxic masculinity, when combined with anti-Blackness, contributes to the hyper-sexualization, masculinization, and adultification of Black boys and men.