What is “Replacement Theory”?

Replacement theory is a white supremacist conspiracy theory that is categorically racist. It is the (false) belief that the mobilization and acceptance of immigrants into Western countries will cause the extinction of 'the white race' residing in these countries.

According to Abacus Data, in a survey conducted with 1,500 Canadians on perspectives on conspiracy theories:

  • 40% of Canadians believe in the Replacement Theory

  • 44% said they believe a secret government comprised of elites (who are often made out to be Jewish, fueling antisemitism) are masterminds behind international events

  • 37% believe that a group entity is attempting to replace Canadians native* to Canada (born and raised) by bringing in like-minded immigrants

*We're going to assume the use of "native" here is in reference to white people who forgot they are descendants of colonizers and immigrants rather than actual Indigenous peoples

Core beliefs

The main demographic who believes in this belongs to white Western populations; those who identify as members of the far-right (white nationalism, white supremacy, neo-Nazis) are more likely to believe the Replacement Theory. Their belief in the theory is often based on personal or group grievances:

  • Economic: Jobs moved overseas or made available to immigrants are believed to reduce economic prosperity for white residents.

  • Cultural: Upholding the dominant white class means oppressing the cultural heritage and identity of POC immigrants in Western nations.

  • Political: To support an anti-immigrant position, Conservative policies related to strict border control, low immigration rates, and anti-globalization are proposed.


Sentiments and beliefs relating to the Replacement Theory have been taking hold since the early 20th century. French philosophers like Maurice Barres, Renaud Camus and Jean Raspail believed non-white African and Middle Eastern immigrants would cause the 'extinction' of the white race.

When exploring Muslim immigration to Europe, Camus asserted the unsupported theory that Muslims and other POC immigrants gave birth at a faster rate than white populations.*

From his assertion, it was suggested that immigrants would rapidly overpopulate Europe and remove white people's historical influence over the continent. As expected, there is a lot of denial of colonization, exploitation and white supremacy.

*These are just some examples of the many instances of scientific racism: unfounded social theories about race being presented as scientific fact, justifying the enactment of racist policies, institutions, violence and genocide.


While the central tenant of Replacement Theory is the perceived threats to the political, social, and cultural power of white people as a result of open immigration policies, it also has variations:

  • Rhetoric of invasion: Claiming that we must take up arms and incite violence against immigrants to prevent the elimination of white racial groups/prevent their invasion from happening.

  • Vote Replacement: As a method of adopting an 'us versus them' mentality, it is assumed that POC immigrants will vote for more open immigration policies than white immigrants.

  • Antisemitism: A part of a wider conspiracy theory, an idea has spread that Jewish leaders and elites are the biggest supporters of the replacement of white populations in the West.

Entering the Canadian zeitgeist

While white supremacy has been alive and well in Canada since the colonizer started colonizing, the popularity of Replacement Theory's increased when the white supremacy-led 'Freedom' Convoy occupied Ottawa earlier this year.

During an interview with CBC News, key organizer Pat King considered the lack of "freedoms" from public health measures as 'an endgame.' King explained that the convoy would reduce the chances of 'an endgame' by saving the white race, stating:

"[An endgame will] depopulate the Anglo-Saxon race because they are the ones with the strongest bloodlines."

This is a flat-out racist belief that has been weaponized by the Carlsons and Trumps of the world to radicalize white and BIPOC folks with internalized racism while continuing to fail to meet people's basic needs.

Dangerous implications

Replacement theory's consequence is that it creates a fake imagination of whiteness as a "marginalized" and "oppressed" identity, which is false. It also ignores how intersectionality shapes how individuals experience oppression (NOT whiteness).

It is the denial of privilege and erasure of the West's history of stolen land, stolen resources and stolen lives via colonization, imperialism, slavery and genocide. And to be honest, historically speaking, it isn't BIPOC folk you need to be afraid of.

Replacement theory justifies oppression and violence on the premise of "protecting" whiteness whether that be racist immigration policies or the historical preferencing of preserving white cultural and historical landmarks, institutions and systems.

So now what?

Recognizing attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours that support the Replacement Theory is the first step in dismantling its influence. This starts with holding public figures accountable for their words. Like far-right mass shooters and terrorists, they are just as responsible for anti-immigrant sentiment in Western countries.

It is unacceptable that Pierre Poilievre, our current Conservative party leader, flirts with these white supremacist communities with these beliefs. He intentionally never flat-out supports things like the Replacement Theory but capitalizes on its language and beliefs to gain a following.

Further, not saying anything is equally problematic. We need our leaders to speak out and condemn this racist shit.

Our media and leaders, like Trudeau and Singh, do not continuously condemn white supremacy. This is not something you can ignore away - particularly fucked because these beliefs have led to violent and lethal consequences.

We all have a role to play in combating this (including you, dear reader), and we must actively dismantle theories like this or risk losing our country to this hate and violence.


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