OCP Learns Cohort 2 is now open!

Join us to connect with a national community of changemakers who are working to champion change across Canada!

As we enter 2023, we need to slow down and ask important questions about how we do our work if we want to see different outcomes. 

🤔 How are you actively practicing anti-racism in your work? 

🤔 How are you decolonizing your approach to community engagement?

🤔 How are you building your cultural humility? What are your areas of weakness?

🤔 How do we make this work part of our life?

🤔 How can this work be more pleasurable?

These questions are big — and we have to unpack them in the community. Unlearning requires sitting in discomfort, asking hard questions, and asking for support as we shift our of our unchecked biases. Furthermore, bringing all this learning into our work is no easy task. So let’s work together. The communities we ultimately wish to serve and support need us to be intentional and build together. 

Welcome to your new favourite learning community!

Our team at the On Canada Project has partnered with Equal Futures Network, a CanWaCH initiative, to design a resource that helps community leaders, communications practitioners, and social media managers level up their digital communications and public engagement strategies. 

We are excited to welcome you to our online learning course: Designing Digital Dialogue: Communications for Systems Change!

This is not just a course, it's a learning community with three components:

1️⃣ Six community connections sessions designed to help us connect virtually to learn together, strategize and support each other as we implement our learnings, and build connections. 

2️⃣ An entry-level online course that helps us build a shared language around justice, equity, and inclusion & shares insights from community leaders on how to effectively and authentically connect and communicate as you build a community around your mission 💡 Great for teams looking for accessible learning opportunities to do together. Discounts are available for nonprofit and grassroots community leaders!

3️⃣ A discord community that connects all participants and makes it easy to share resources and ask for support and feedback as we learn and build together.

Learn more about the approach we’ve taken to navigate this learning community here and how we came up with the content by clicking here

This work is a team sport

Effective and inclusive communications and community engagement is the work of the entire organization, not just the communications manager. How we connect with communities externally starts with reflection and critical conversations internally. 

Our first cohort fostered a sense of community and learning together! They left their individual silos to come together to both navigate the course, but also learn from each other’s experiences. 

Take a peek at this all-star lineup for our community connection sessions 🤩

All sessions are 3pm EST. Calendar invites to all sessions will be shared with all enrolled students. 

❤️ Starting with the self: Explore roles for Collective Liberation with Daniele-Jocelyne Otou of New Room on February 15th

🧡 Intentionally Integrating Ancestral Accountability into your work with Chúk Odenigbo from Future Ancestors Services on March 22nd. We are offering a session fully in French on March 8th! 

💛 Effective and accessible approaches to JEDI (un)learning with Sheliza Jamal of Curated Leadership on March 7th

💚 How to build stronger cultural humility and self-awareness on your teams with Stephanie Rebello in April 2023

💙 Curating community around joy - arts, culture, and celebration with Keosha Love in April 2023

This community is for you if…

✅ you are seeking a community space for reflection and critical discussion around justice, equity, and inclusion that is designed with a QTBIPOC-lens

✅ you need help building a practice of self-reflection to unpack and understand your power and privilege, and bring this understanding into your work and everyday life

✅ you’d like support as you strategize ways to connect with the communities you are looking to support with your work, both online and offline

✅ you want to connect and build with other leaders who are also navigating community outreach, partnerships building, and communications for their organizations or movements

If you are interested in learning more about the course, you can find additional clips from our community webinar below and IG Live.


Seeing violent acts should not be a prerequisite to giving a fuck


Unlearning is Messy, Imperfect and Ongoing Work: On Policing & Community Safety