Here's why Andrew Tate is the F*cking Worst

This blog includes discussions of misogyny, sexual violence

Who is Andrew Tate?

Andrew Tate is a kickboxer turned social media mega-influencer that capitalizes on men needing community and support for his own financial gain to spread his anti-woman and anti-human-rights beliefs. Tate has a massive following that includes kids as young as 13.

Worth noting: (Summer 2023) Andrew Tate, his brother, and two other associates have been charged with r**e, human trafficking, and forming an organized crime group to sexually exploit women. But Tate, with hundreds of thousands of his supporters, still claims innocence despite serious claims against them.

Most people who know about Andrew Tate fall into one of these two buckets:

  • people who followed Tate's rise to fame as followers (who either supported his beliefs or just thought he was entertaining);

  • and those of us who heard of Tate when he was banned from social media (btw, Elon reinstated his account 🫣)

If you're in the latter, like we were, you've probably heard about some of his outrageous actions and claims - but aren't fully informed on the extent of just how insidious and dangerous he truly is, not just because he's a straight up human-trafficker, but because he's seducing young boys and men around the world into violence and hatred.


Tate is a massive figure in the manosphere - an online space that capitalizes on men needing support and community. While men's health and community support are essential, the culture of grievance and patriarchal values within the space create a very slippery slope into misogyny, hate, and the far-right.

Many young men who turn to the manosphere suffer from genuine feelings of loneliness, isolation, and frustration - and so bad-faith actors (like Tate and Peterson) can encourage frustration and radicalize men into violence.

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Andrew Tate’s Anti-Human Rights Beliefs

➡️ Andrew Tate is the fucking worst: RAPID FIRE ROUND:

  • Thinks rape victims must "bear responsibility" for their violent attacks.

  • Lied about his "billions" in wealth to young, impressionable boys to sell his ideology

  • Dates barely legal girls because "they've been through less d**k" and he can "make an imprint" on them (AKA: grooming).

  • Doesn't believe that depression is real

  • Believes straight white men are oppressed.


➡️ Hundreds of thousands of boys - as young as 13yrs-old - are still being scammed into paying $50/month to join Tate's online cult, Hustler's University.

If the name wasn't enough of a red flag, Andrew Tate's "online school" - that rewards students with a Pimping Hoes Degree - is giving serious pyramid scheme vibes. By lying about his wealth, he convinces young, impressionable boys that if they just pay that *tiny* fee (plus $4497 if you want access to Tate's "War Room" group chat), they can make easy money, just like Tate.

And that "easy money" comes from, you guessed it: recruiting new customers by posting Andrew Tate clips online. Yup, Tate is preying on weak and vulnerable kids to sell his ideology to more kids, for him.


➡️Andrew Tate has been extremely clear about using the "loverboy" method of sex trafficking to manipulate his victims - a serious self-report.

The "loverboy" method is straight out of the human trafficking handbook: Tate isolated vulnerable women from their loved ones and gaslit them into believing they were in a loving relationship, luring them away from society with promises of love, wealth, success, and fun.

Tate has been running a webcam studio for nearly a decade, where more than half of his 'employees' were victims of abuse and trafficking - selling women into sex-work without their consent.


➡️Terrible character development: Tate is now misrepresenting Islam to justify his misogyny

After his arrest and widespread criticism, Tate decided that the best PR move was to convert to Islam, using deliberate extremist misinterpretations to legitimize his hatred of women and attract a brand-new genre of misogynistic men.


To be clear - Tate, like Far-Right Conservatives, uses disinformation around religion to justify their hate and violence. Islam is not inherently misogynistic or violent; assholes like Tate and other 'extremists' are.


➡️ Tate isn't a role model, and he isn't "controversial" - he's dangerous and hateful - and there are no "good parts" about him

Tate lures men in with discussions on male loneliness, financial freedom, workout routines, etc. - and before long, you're watching a how-to-human-traffic video.

This is a common slippery slope within the far-right and its many sub-spaces like the manosphere. You enter as someone with a reasonable concern - men's health, questions about vaccines, finding a partner, etc. Before you know it, you've been indoctrinated into incel beliefs or vaccines having microchips in them.

He does not 'teach boys how to be men,' he teaches them to become violent misogynists capable of causing actual harm and suffering - just consider how perpetrators of incel violence, like mass shootings and the Toronto van attack, are commonly radicalized in sexist online spaces and cite people *like Tate* as influences.


What does this mean for Canada?

We deserve a counter-narrative to combat the hate that Tate, and others like him, knowingly spread to serve their personal agendas.

It's absolutely disgusting that Andrew Tate, and countless other hate-influencers, are given free rein to spread misogyny and incite violence on the internet. And it's even more disgusting that our elected officials are doing nothing about it.

Let's be clear, Tate is a symptom of the much larger problem of toxic masculinity and growing anti-human rights rhetoric, a foundational component of fascism. Even if he rots in jail, others like him will still be free to share pro-tips on how to best abuse women, and reshare Tates existing videos, while our government does nothing - unless a change is made.

We need an inclusive, well-resourced counter-narrative - because it's not enough to condemn hate generally when the other side has a disinformation narrative that includes specific talking points, including misrepresenting science and religion.


Fascism and anti-human rights beliefs are spreading like wildfire here in Canada

Canadians spend most of our time watching fascism and anti-human rights rhetoric spread in America instead of directly combating the far-right in Canada.

Hate doesn't need a passport to travel, so if you see it down south - it's safe to assume it's in Canada. Canada also has homegrown spreaders of hate and division like Jordan Peterson, Rebel Media, Jonathan and Barbara Kay, and Brian Lilley - not to mention politicians who know how to toe the line with their division like Pierre Poilievre, Doug Ford, Danielle Smith, etc.,

We need a counterforce to this, and with our government failing to provide us with one - we, the people - must organize against it.


Pierre Poilievre literally used hidden YouTube tags that catered to the same misogynistic men who consumed Andrew Tate's content for years - but instead of being held accountable for promoting sexism and hate, he very likely may be our next PM.

Click here to read more about Pierre’s youtube tags

Hi! Shameless plug - We're On Canada Project, and for three years, we have been trying to bootstrap this social good initiative to keep OCP going as a counterforce to hate and fascism in Canada. 
If you are someone with resources - be it connections, ins with foundations or money - please reach out to us. If this is what OCP has accomplished without funding, imagine how much social good we could do with big money. 

Get in contact with us, here.


Let’s talk about what happened to Jaahnavi Kandula


YHIHS: Jun 26