Succession is an accurate and chilling portrayal of quiet power and it’s hold on our democracy

stop discussing Succession’s quiet luxury fashion and start discussing its demonstration of quiet power.

The ultra-wealthy and people with power and influence do not need democracy, and our public systems like the vast majority* of us do.

Think about everything you've seen on shows like Succession; The Roys don't use publicly funded services like public transit, education, healthcare, childcare, etc.,

We watched as Logan & Co. picked Mencken as the next president, how direct their connections are to people in influential roles, and how they operate above the law in various ways and with the support of a very talented legal team.

They don't rely on our systems for their needs like we do, they use our systems for their personal benefit and greed.

The ultra-rich aren't worried about the government providing more comprehensive health coverage like mental health or pharmacare because they have an abundance of money to address their needs at all times.

For example, they can vote for or support those voting to legalize forced birth because if they need someone to get an abortion, they can bring in a private doctor or fly the pregnant person to a place that does legal abortions.

They can champion systemic harm actively and passively because they're not the ones worried about making rent, safety on public transit, or wondering where their next meal will come from.

The vast majority of us - knowingly or unknowingly - rely on public systems, services and infrastructure.

As in, 99.20% of Canadians made under $250,000* in 2020. Meaning 0.8% of Canadians made over $250,000 in 2020.

The ultra-wealthy are the 1% - and despite being in the minority, they have way more than 1% of the power and influence over our public systems through both official and unofficial means.

(* to be clear making even $500,000 does not make you ultra-rich, that's easily still upper middle class.)

All of us plebs (who make less than $500,000 a year) must realize that our liberation is intrinsically linked.

Anything short of a system that upholds all of our human rights and meets all our basic needs works against our individual pursuit of liberation.

The parallels between pleb-infighting and the 'divide and conquer' oppressor technique used by European colonizers are not coincidental.

This is why it doesn't make sense that some plebs choose to align themselves with right-wing politics when, in our modern state of affairs, the most aligned to our liberation are progressive/left policies.

Because anytime we fight amongst ourselves, instead of being united against the bourgeois, we give the 1% more power over us.

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A Brief Overview of Canada’s Anti-Asian Legislation


YHIHS: May 8